Sleep Foundations

Sep 19, 2023


Just as a house requires strong foundations, so do healthy sleep habits.

Without proper foundations, a house may become unstable. It may not fall immediately, however, over time cracks will emerge and eventually things will start to crumble.

I often hear from parents when they start to notice the cracks in their baby’s sleep. Lucky for us, it’s easy to go back to basics and fix the foundations of sleep.

There are four important factors that form the foundations of sleep. If you’re finding sleep is a little bit “wobbly” or all over the place, check your foundations first.

1. Health
Numerous underlying health issues can adversely affect sleep. This could be reflux, eczema, food allergies/intolerances, recurring ear infections, obstructed sleep apnoea etc. If you're uncertain, consulting your GP or pediatrician can either provide reassurance or help identify any medical concerns. Once these issues are managed and you have your doctor's clearance, you can then focus on improving sleep.

2. Safe and Sleep Conducive Environment

Firstly, your baby’s sleep space needs to be safe. Remove any unnecessary distractions and make sure the room is dark, cool, and calm.

Creating a dedicated sleep space at home that encompasses peacefulness will provide a constant and familiar sleep environment that becomes a positive sleep association in itself. 

3. Nutrition and feeding
A hungry baby won’t sleep well. For newborns and younger babies, sleeping issues can be related to feeding. Seeking advice from a lactation consultant or your paediatrician will help resolve any feeding issues early on.

The same can be said for toddlers who might eat a lot but lack the nutrients to form a well-balanced diet. Nutrition plays an important role in promoting healthy sleep and from 12 months your little one will receive the majority of their nutritional needs from solids, not milk.

4. Routine and Timing
An overtired baby will be running on stress hormones like cortisol and adrenalin in order to function. These hormones make settling and staying asleep a challenge.

On the other hand, an underwired baby will lack the sleep drive to settle and sleep for long periods.

By simply following an age appropriate routine you can confidently settle your baby at the optimal time.


4. Pre-sleep Rituals
Pre-sleep rituals are the actives you do in the lead up to sleep time like your bedtime routine. They are a familiar series of events that help your babu relax and signal sleep time is approaching.

This doesn't need to be elaborate and complicated. Something simple like;

  • Bath (optional)
  • Get dressed into PJs and sleeping bag
  • Go into bedroom, dim lights
  • Feed (bottle/breast)
  • Book/Cuddle/Song
  • Into bed


Once your foundations are in place, settling your little one to sleep will become a lot easier and with a little encouragement and support, your baby or toddler will be well on their way to restful sleep.

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